Monday, May 30, 2011

11 Things Never To Say To A Man You Love

The operative word being never.  I read this in a women's magazine.  I'm guilty of nos. 3 and 11. Haha! A couple of years ago, I tried no. 9 and he totally ignored me.

1.  I can't wait to see what you're doing for my birthday.
2.  Are you...crying?
3.  If we leave right now, we'll have time to stop by Bed, Bath & Beyond.
4.  Do you need help lighting the grill?
5.  I'm putting this whole conversation on my blog.
6.  You had so much hair back then!
7.  I don't care how big and drunk he is, he shouldn't be talking through the movie. I'm going to say something.
8.  Actually, it doesn't happen to every guy.
9.  We're vegetarians now.
10. My dad can fix that; you should call him.
11. You know why.

Source: Redbook

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