Friday, May 6, 2011

Paint the nails lavender!

Salon pedicure or self pedicure? Salon pedicure!

Every once in a while though, I don't mind painting my own nails.  In fact, I just realized that I'm becoming an expert on it.  I leave it to the experts to paint my nails using branded lacquer. They're way too expensive for me to waste.  So at home, I only use cheap ones.  That way, I don't hate myself feel bad when I chip my nails five minutes after I paint them.  The weather's getting more shorts and flip flops friendly so I decided it's time to make my nails pretty. 

my lavender painted toenails

I got those thin-as-paper slippers (that salons also use) from the dollar store.  It came with a buffer and a pair of toe separators, all for a dollar!  Hmmm, I'm looking at the picture now and it seems like the color turned a bit more on the blue side.  In reality though, it's really lavender. Haha.  I also painted my hand nails the same color.  I'm kind of shy though to post a picture of my hands because I find them too big...?

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