Sunday, May 1, 2011

I love my girlfriends

Lately, I've been missing my girlfriends who are mostly oceans away from me.  Sometimes no matter how hard we try, it's not easy trying to keep in touch especially when we all live busy lives.  I think God heard my secret wish and gave me not one but two opportunities to see and catch up with two of my girlfriends.  One of them plays a huge part in my life as she's the only one who still calls me and does not really mind spending money for phone bills. Haha.  These days, people hardly ever use the phone anymore.  Skype or YM have pretty much replaced phone calls.  We ended up talking until 2:30 in the morning.  It felt really good.  The other one was an unplanned meeting.  Usually, we would plan our dates days ahead and plans will just go kaput.  This time around, she happened to be nearby and didn't have plans after dinner.  We went to a vibrant place a few blocks away and had yummy gelato and cakes.  More than the delicious desserts, it was the talk that filled me up. What a great weekend!

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