Thursday, May 5, 2011

Japanese snacks

I go wild whenever I visit a Japanese grocery.  I buy snacks as if there's no tomorrow.  Well, there's no Japanese store near our place so I go berserk when we visit the one next to my parents'. 

When the tsunami and quake happened a few months ago, I read in the news that most countries became strict in letting goods in from Tokyo.  That got me really worried.  So this time around, I made sure that I buy enough stash that will last me for a month.

My must-have Japanese snacks

I bought three big bottles of my favorite Kirin Lemon Tea, six boxes of chocolate and strawberry Lucky sticks (by Meiji), and black pepper potato chips (for him).  One of the things that helped me withstand summers in Japan is lemon tea.  At home, I drank it like it's water. And on my way to work, I would buy some more either from the convini or the vendo.  Drink it ice cold and it becomes even more heavenly.  The Lucky sticks I only discovered a couple of months ago.  When I was living in Japan, I was very loyal to Pocky.  But outside Japan, Pocky is super expensive.  Lucky is just $0.99 compared to Pocky's almost three dollar price.  Meanwhile, he's still on the lookout for potato chips that can come close to his favorite salt and pepper chips from Japan.  The one I bought is a differnt brand so we'll see if he likes it.  I hope I can make my supply last!

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