Monday, August 22, 2011

How To Pass Your Driving Test

Are you thinking of getting a new driver's license anytime soon? Do you know of someone who is aiming to become a new driver? If you answered yes to either or both, then read on.

Passing your driving test entails both skills and luck. If you have just one of the two, following these simple steps may just help you bag the coveted prize.

1. Set your appointment way in advance, at least 3 months early. If you need to take your test sooner than that but can't find a free spot, then going on standby is the best way to do it.

2. Practice, practice, practice. Go to a driving school if you must. DO NOT ASK FAMILY MEMBERS e.g. SPOUSE to teach you how to drive. This is for everyone's sake and sanity. You can practice with     them after you've learned all the necessary skills to impress them.

3. On the day of your set appointment, be at the DMV at least 30 minutes early so you have time to mentally prepare for your test. If you're going on standby, be at the DMV by 6am. Yes 6am, don't argue. At this point, your life depends on the examinees who will chicken out at the last minute and won't show up. The
soon-to-be free spot becomes a free for all and is given on a first come first serve basis.

4. Bring a book or any electronic device that you can play with while waiting. Make sure the book is thick enough to last you a day. If you are a fast reader, read slow. Charge your electronic devices the night before. If you are on standby, take note that the tests run from 8am to 4pm and be ready to wait that long.

5. While waiting for your name to be called, DO NOT make friends with other examinees. Just focus on channeling your own positive energy. You don't want their negative energies to rub off on you. If the anticipation is killing you and if you feel like your heart is about to explode, try with all your might to fight
the urge to scream.

6. Observe and check out the examiners for the day. I'm sure they are nice people but don't expect them to be super friendly. If you see a scary looking or intimidating examiner, DO NOT think "Oh God please not him/her." Because the moment you do, you will for sure get him/her.

7. Do a mental run through of all the things you've learned including the initial car test that the examiner will conduct before you drive. The examiner doesn't have the luxury of time to wait for you while you figure out how to turn on the wipers.

8. If and when your name is finally called, big as your mouth can possibly stretch. You have to show the examiner that you're scared confident and excited to take your test.

9. As you walk to the car, make small talks with your examiner. Ask him/her how his/her day's been so far.  Just be ready if they end up ranting. If that happens, give yourself a pat on the back. You've just successfully diverted your examiner's attention.

10. Before you leave the parking lot, SILENTLY SAY YOUR PRAYERS. At this point, your heart will be pounding and you will be sweating big time. Make sure to use an anti-perspirant or deodorant before leaving your house.

11. Some examiners are helpful, some are not. Four things: focus on staying in your lane; red light and stop signs mean FULL STOP; drive in the speed limit: 15mph less than the speed limit will cause you, not earn, points; DO NOT hit another car or a pedestrian.

12. Last but not the least, have fun with parallel parking!! It's going to be a (something that rhymes with witch but starts with a b), and you won't get away with it. And don't even think of using a smart car for the test.  This one really requires SKILLS. So no matter how small your car is, if you don't practice enough, parallel parking might just take up half of your test time.

There you go, may these simple tips help you or your loved ones pass your or their driving test. After going though this experience, I realized that there should be no reason to feel intimidated if you practice hard. It's inevitable to feel scared but it's more of the fear of the unknown I guess.

Oh, one more thing. Practice your poker face for when you come back from the test. Everyone in the room will be watching you and looking for a sign if you passed or not. I say just SMILE no matter what!

Drive safely!

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