Thursday, April 28, 2011

recipe for the easiest and most delicious hot chocolate

generous serving of chocolate chip morsels (dark or semi-sweet)
half a cup of half n half
half a cup of milk
a dash of vanilla extract

Simmer in a pot until the morsels are melted. Do not boil.

Serve with love!

I just had some. I'm in chocolate heaven!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

patience UPDATE

We just got the call!!! God listens!!

Thank You!


My husband and I have been waiting for some good news to come our way.  I'm usually a very patient person but sometimes, I find myself running out of it too.  This good news we're waiting for is very important for our future.  Let me correct that, it IS our future.  I hope we get the call we've been waiting for this week.  If not, I don't know what to feel anymore.  In the meantime...

biscuit cutter

I've tried baking biscuits once and now I'm totally hooked. I didn't have a real bisuit cutter before and would only use my meauring cups to cut the dough. Today though, I finally decided to buy real biscuit cutters.

I got them for $1.99!  They're really simple but they should do the trick.  Oh, the possibilities are endless:-)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Go Celtics!!!

It's a sweep!!! Boston's win today against the Knicks just made my Easter Sunday. Call it whatever but I'm so happy and glad that they will be able to rest a little longer before their game against the Heat. That's going to be a tougher battle but I have faith.

Hope everybunny had a great Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

And my secret guilty pleasure is...America's Funniest Videos!  I know most people think it's low, but it makes me laugh most of the time and I love to laugh so I don't really care what others think. If you're sad or worried about something, try watching the show. Trust me, some of the videos are hilarious. Here's my favorite so far:

Steak n' Shake

Four months ago, my sister took me and my brother to Mel's Diner in Hollywood to try their milkshake.  Since then, I couldn't get the taste out of my mind.  I've been craving for milkshakes for four months now.  I've tried the one in McDonald's but it's just not the same. 

Then I met Steak n' Shake. 

Chocolate Fudge Shake

We are now BFF.  It's divine...and highly caloric too!  I felt so guilty I skipped dinner.  I know, I've been bad.  But if this is what I get for being bad, I wouldn't mind being bad over and over again:-)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obsessed with Tom Ford

I love perfumes.  I have a small collection of perfumes.  I choose what scent to wear depending on my mood, that's why I love to have a variety to choose from.  To add to my growing collection, my sister bought me a new perfume.

This scent is so...lovely.  I'm just in love with it.  It's light and sweet and the kind that I wouldn't tire of wearing.  Good thing it was a present.  It's way too expensive if I were to buy it.  I have the best big sister in the world.  Oh yeah, she also gave me that book.

ready for summer

I live in a place where summer can be borderline unbearable.  During summer, it's imperative that we wear almost nothing airy and comfortable clothes and footwear.  Days are going by so fast that I decided to start preparing for summer early.  I've been doing a lot of summer dress rehearsals (yes, I do that) and realized that apart from flip flops, I seem to lack other summery footwear.  Thank God for outlet malls I can easily rebuild my shoe collection.  My feet are a bit sensitive and only choose certain brands to be friends with.  Lucky me, they seem to like not so expensive brands. 

Reebok and Rockport recently had an opening sale at a nearby outlet mall and we decided to have a look.  I already have enough pairs of sneakers and running shoes so I ended up taking home this cute pair of wedges.

I swear they are the comfiest wedges I have ever worn.  To be honest, I wasn't expecting to find cute girly shoes in Rockport.  Good thing we checked the store out.  My feet are happy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I am on a self-imposed silence on facebook during this holy week.

I hope everyone has a meaningful week, whatever faith you believe in.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hello Kitty

I'm a sucker for anything Hello Kitty.  I've been a collector for more than 15 years now.  Three years ago, I thought of giving away my collection.  My sister talked me out of doing it and advised me to save everything that I have accumulated all these years.  I still get giddy everytime I see Hello Kitty products. Here's my latest buy.

The mouse has turned into a kitty:-)

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine took me to a Hello Kitty gallery.  Here are some items that made it to my wishlist.

electric guitar

I always dream about this.

This will be perfect for my nightstand.

skateboard and surf board

Monday, April 18, 2011

This book will save you.

If you love to read and have your own collection of books, this book should be a part of your library...

Amy Vanderbilt knows all about etiquette.  This book is my go-to book when it comes to everything.  It's also something that can be passed on to future generations.  I like suggesting this book to friends because I am in a mission to help people learn the basic life etiquette that will help them become better persons. 

Charlotte Russe

I love fashion stores that offer great finds and are budget-friendly.  I'm a huge fan of Forever 21 and H&M because they fit in this category.  I don't care if a thousand other girls have the same clothes as I do.  For me, it all depends on how you wear the clothes. 

That's why I was ecstatic to have discovered Charlotte Russe.  They sell cute and trendy clothes and accessories at budget-friendly prices.  I am especially hooked on their cute rings and bracelets! Everytime we pass by a Charlotte Russe store, I always HAVE to buy something.

Well, guess what?  I passed by a Charlotte Russe store today.

So lovely!!!  I love this store!

the most romantic song ever...

Have a love-filled week!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cheap Thrills

I received an ULTA brochure in the mail last week which showed sale and new items. I like ULTA because it's a girls shop.  One particular item that caught my eye is the 62-piece make up set. Its retail value is $150.00 but I got it at a bargain price of $19.99.  Score!  I'm usually wary of buying cheap make up but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.  My make up set is limited to a few brands like MAC, Dior, the Body Shop, Chanel, Benefit, and Sonia Kashuk. I also have single items from Maybelline, Revlon and most recently, L'oreal.

What I love about this make up set is the fact that it has 3 parts: a mirror, an eye make up set, and a blush and lipstick set. Best of all, I can use the case as a make up kit!  It comes in two colors, white and salmon. I chose the salmon one:-)

Here's the eye make up set. Did I mention that it also has a concealer and four eyeliners!  Look at all the colors!

The blush and lipstick set.

I tried it today and I was very pleased with it:-)  They are available while supplies last. Am I a lucky girl or what?!

Is there such a thing as a healthy pizza?

Yes, there is. We made a pesco vegetarian pizza for dinner tonight. My husband practices abstinence every Friday during Lent. That is a huge sacrifice on his part being a meat lover. It's fun though trying to come up with delicious seafood dishes. For this pizza, I made the wholewheat crust while he prepared the toppings: baked salmon, tomatoes, brocolli, onions, carrots, mushrooms, and a little bit of cream cheese. It's sooo good.

I can't wait to make a meatlover's pizza.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tik Tok

Time in my hands
What will I do with you
I'm wishing for a baby
I'll be happy with one or two.

Lessons From a Children's Book

Sugar Cookies by Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a great book that teaches kids the different values in life.  I love it also because it uses baking as a medium to impart lessons.  It is such a heart-warming book.  My favorite part of the book is...

Isn't it the sweetest?:-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wedding Cord

I have always wanted a simple and intimate wedding ceremony.  That wish came true late last year when I finally married my long-time boyfriend. We kept it small and personal.  I also added a lot of personal touch to our wedding details. I made my own garter, our wedding cord, the ceremony programs, all the details on our wish tree table and chocolate buffet table.

Out of all my DIY projects, my favorite is the wedding cord.  I've always been into making bead accessories so I was very excited to make the cord.  In total, it took me almost a day to finish it. 

There are two rosaries joined into one.  I used white and blue beads for the rosaries which are also our wedding colors.  We were lucky to have found a blue cross from the bead store near our place.  I am so proud of this. 

Best of all, my husband loved it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Man vs Food

For his birthday, we decided to try Hash House A Go Go which was featured on Food Network's Man vs Food. Hash House is known for good food and ginormous big servings.  We didn't order the dish that was featured on the show because we knew that we wouldn't be able to finish it. Just the same, we gave up on ours.

Warm Spinach Salad

Sage Fried Chicken Linguine

One pound burger with bacon, avocado, and cheddar cheese

Each serving is good for two, that we now know.  It's a bit pricey but you definitely get your money's worth. We are already planning on going back there. My eyes are set on their pancake that seems like three times the size of my head. In the meantime, I will be working on expanding my stomach.

I Miss You

Two years and counting. I sahll see you again soon.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sugar Rush

I can't get enough of this...

And this...

My sugar level has been going bonkers again.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Best-Ever Book of Bread

This should keep me busy for the next few months...

I love how this book talks about the history, origin and different kinds of bread.  I can't wait to try all the recipes!

I just bought it yesterday and I already got two requests: prosciutto bread from the hubby, and cinnamon rolls from a friend.

I'm so excited it's not even funny. I think I was a baker in previous life.