Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm Alive!

Well well well...look who's back?:)

Where do I start??

I guess I'll start with the biggest and brightest news - I'm now a Mommy!!! To say that it's occupied most of my time would be an understatement. I love every bit of it though. Though I refuse to be all mushy and sentimental about it, let me just say that being a parent is a huge and challenging responsibility. Every day is a day of learning. There are a lot of sleepless nights, scary moments, and even no-shower days, but I really believe that if it's something that you asked for, you can't complain. We prayed for our baby and we're lucky that our prayers were answered. So there, every details of it, good or bad, is a blessing. Have I mentioned that our little princess is the cutest baby in the world?? Haha here comes the stage mother in me. I wish I could post pictures. Maybe when she's older.

What about you? Tell me stories and give this new Mommy something to think about (if and when I find the time).

Oh and yes, I'm addicted to Pinterest:)

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