Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pop Tarts

Today is a monumental day for me. For the first time ever, I tried pop tarts for breakfast. And they were...heavenly good.  Who made these???  And before you tell me to google it (which I already did), let me remind you that that was a rhetorical question. Seriously though, they taste so good it's quite impossible not to get hooked.  Of course at the back of my mind, I know it's all sugary and unhealthy.  But my golly, if you need to take a break from eating all those healthy foods and want to reward yourself for being good, try pop tarts. I saw in their website that they have a gazillion flavors to choose from. For my first try, I wanted the low fat/low calorie ones but my husband insisted that the frosted strawberry flavor is the way to go. And the sweet-tooth in me couldn't possibly say no. It's a weekend and maybe I'll try them again tomorrow and ignore them during the week. Oh God, please give me the strength...

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