Saturday, September 17, 2011


Murakami is my favorite author and I can't wait to have this in my hand. Pre-ordered today via

via Wikipedia

October 25th seems like a lifetime away...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pop Tarts

Today is a monumental day for me. For the first time ever, I tried pop tarts for breakfast. And they were...heavenly good.  Who made these???  And before you tell me to google it (which I already did), let me remind you that that was a rhetorical question. Seriously though, they taste so good it's quite impossible not to get hooked.  Of course at the back of my mind, I know it's all sugary and unhealthy.  But my golly, if you need to take a break from eating all those healthy foods and want to reward yourself for being good, try pop tarts. I saw in their website that they have a gazillion flavors to choose from. For my first try, I wanted the low fat/low calorie ones but my husband insisted that the frosted strawberry flavor is the way to go. And the sweet-tooth in me couldn't possibly say no. It's a weekend and maybe I'll try them again tomorrow and ignore them during the week. Oh God, please give me the strength...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Japanese characters

Meet our new toys!

Doraemon, Hello Kitty, Anpaman

They are actually cell phone accessories. My husband requested for the Doraemon and Anpaman accessories. He wanted to attach them to his USBs so he won't lose them. He was expecting the usual tiny cell phone accessories. Turns out the latest fad in Japan now are these huge accessories. So there, he'll probably just keep these as part of our toy collection. The Hello Kitty one though is love. I really wish I'd have a daughter to pass this collection on to.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I got badged!

Today was very eventful for me in terms of work. Well, it's just safe to say that I'm finally moving forward. After three weeks of not hearing from HR, they finally called me yesterday morning to start the hiring process. Yesterday afternoon, I got cleared for background check (no criminal records for me yay!) and received today's schedule. This afternoon, I filled out a two-inch thick paperwork and because it's my first job after two years, took me 45 minutes to finish. By that time, I only had 8 minutes left to get to the next building for badgeing. Oh the relief when everything was said and done. I'm so proud of myself for landing this job. I hope to do well in this opportunity that was given to me. Aaahh so happy!