Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Universal Studios Hollywood

I've been to other Universal Studios but the Hollywood experience is probably the best.  Maybe because for the first time, we never had to wait in line for the rides and attractions. We were ready for the worst since it was the Father's Day weekend.  Who knew it was going to be our lucky day?

While waiting in line, we noticed that the price for a day pass increased from $55 to $77.  Then we noticed that the annual pass only costs $87.  We decided right away that the annual pass is the more cost effective one.  My sister also decided that it's best to buy the all-you-can-eat pass for $25.  Right before we entered the gates, a park staff approached us and asked us questions like, "Where are you guys from?", "Is it just the four of you?"  He then explained that they were doing a 15 minute survey for the park and if we participate, we get a VIP pass for four that we can use in all the attractions.  My sister was a bit apprehensive at first. She was ready to move on and line up for the Studio Tour so she told the guy we're not interested.  My best friend and I probed some more and the staff explained that he will just be asking about the park's characters and see how much people know them.  Upon hearing this, my nephew got too excited and wanted to be the one to participate.  The staff explained that he needed an adult participant this time so I volunteered instead. 

The survey took about 15 minutes.  The staff handed me about 50 pictures of characters.  I had to sort them according to "Know/Have heard of/Have Seen" and "Don't know/Have not heard of/Have not seen" categories.  Then he arranged the pile of characters I know, about 40, and asked me to identify them and rate them as to how interested I am to see them.  Of course my highest ranked were the Harry Potter characters. Ha ha.  I probably got 35 out of 40 correct answers.  There were 5 characters that I thought I knew but didn't. 

After the survey, the staff gave me the VIP pass that we can use for that day.  We were so happy!  It was a totally different experience when you don't have to wait in line anymore!  We were able to ride in all the attractions plus a second go in Jurassic Park.  Lesson of the story: give surveys a chance!:-)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day

I am a certified Daddy's girl and proud of it. I grew up a spoiled brat and my Dad is mostly to blame. He never spanked me. He didn't like it when I got bruises on my legs from playing. When my siblings and I would fight, all I had to do was cry and they'd be reprimanded. He was also a good benefactor. He provided me with material things in a good and reasonable way. I never really learned how to pick crab meat because he always did it for me. Up to now, he still asks me if I need help picking crab meat even though my husband took over that job. He is still, without trying hard, the funniest man in my life.

Love you Pa.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Calvin and Hobbes

My favorite comic characters. I have all the books. I even believe I'm Susie Derkins in my past life. And my husband resonates Calvin in a lot of ways.

Never fails...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bridesmaids - Movie

In honor of one of the funniest movies ever, The Hangover female version, Bridesmaids.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fudgy Meringue Cookies

Probably the best cookies I have ever made by far.

I got the recipe from my brother-in-law.  He knows I love baking and trying out new recipes.  I still don't know the real source of this recipe.  I'll find out when we visit them soon.

Here goes:

Nonstick vegetable oil spray
1 cup bittersweet chocolate chip cookies (at the most 61% cacao) divided
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, divided (I used 1 1/4 cups only and I think 1 cup should still be fine)
1/3 cup unsweetended cocoa powder
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 large egg whites, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar

Position 1 rack in top third and 1 rack in bottom third of oven and preheat to 350°F.  Coat 2 large rimmed baking sheets with nonstick spray.  Place 1/2 cup chocolate chips in small microwave-safe bowl.  Cook in 15-second intervals until chocolate softens; stir until melted and smooth.  Cool chocolate to lukewarm, about 10 minutes.  Whisk 1/2 cup sugar, cocoa, and cornstarch in small bowl to blend.

Using electric mixer, beat egg whites, vanilla, salt, and cream of tartar in medium bowl until soft peaks form.  Add remaining 1 cup sugar in 4 additions, beating just to blend after each addition.  Conitnue to beat until meringue is thick and glossy like marshmallow creme.  Beat in cocoa mixture.  Fold in melted chocolate, then 1/2 cup chips.

Drop batter by rounded teaspoonfuls onto prepared sheets, spacing 3 inches apart.  Bake cookies for 7 minutes, then reverse sheets and bake until dry-looking and cracked, about 6 minutes.  Cool cookies on sheets 5 minutes.  Transfer cookies to racks and cool completely.  I'm sure you will be tempted to eat it right away but the cookies are best eaten when completely cooled.

My husband was very, very happy.  What are you waiting for??  Buy the ingredients and try it out! Run, don't walk!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Confession: I'm a Lip Balm Hoarder

I was going through my bag contents yesterday and I noticed that I have accumulated lip balms enough to last me three months. Aacckk! I don't know why I'm so obsessed in trying out different brands of lip balms.  Maybe because I'm forever hung up on having the perfect smooth lips.  Everywhere I go, it seems like the weather is too harsh on my lips.  Here's what I have so far:

1. The new Burt's Bees Tinted Lip Balm in Red Dahlia
2. Carmex Lip Balm in Mint with SPF 30
3. Blistex Medicated Lip Balm with SPF 15
4. Vaseline Advanced Lip Therapy
5. EOS in Honeysuckle Honeydew

I know I also have Body Shop's Raspberry Lip Balm and Yojiya's Lip Balm hidden somewhere.  I like the fact that Burt's Bee's Tinted Lip Balm moisturizes and gives color to my lips at the same time.  It comes in a big tube but the actual lip balm is just what's pictured above.  I find it a bit pricey but Burt's Bees products usually are.  Carmex Lip balms are soothing to my lips and it has SPF.  Before Carmex, I've been using Chapstick.  After Carmex, I don't think I'll ever go back to Chapstick. I keep my Blistex in my bathroom vanity and apply it morning and night.  It's the cheapest  too!  I started using Vaseline Lip Therapy seven years ago when I had a nasty lip allergy.  My doctor recommended it and it's been my go-to lip balm everytime my lips become way too dry.  It's just a bit thick and heavy like petroleum jelly.  This is my first time to try EOS.  I've heard some nice reviews about it so I decided to give it a go see.  The packaging is cute and it smells yummy. The price isn't so bad as well.  Plus, it's environmental friendly!